August 2008
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They are working on hw-101 through the narrow twisty portions which should mean that one day the trip to Eureka will take less time. Redwood endurance ride, here we come? We opted to take the Avenue of the Giants option, to admire the very big trees which was fun, and took the time to stop and look at them up close (at least it didn't require too much crutching). Along the coast north of Eureka, Humboldt County have put up 'Entering Tsunami Hazard Zone' signs every time you dip down to near sea level (presumably since the terrible tsunami in the Indian Ocean?). This plays havoc with your imagination and you have to resist the temptation to accelerate to get up the next hill (not that I was driving, but I know what I would have done...<grin>). We continued all the way up to Orick to meet Katie (who'd done the Redwood ride that day) before returning to her house in convoy. Oh - on the way home we saw some elk wallowing in a marshy pond on the coast. Odd place for them to be.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 4, 5, 6 - Given that this trip was the first time I'd done anything strenuous in six weeks, I thought I coped pretty well with it. It took us 7 hours to get home on Monday, which was too long for my poorly leg - mucho fidgeting in the last few hours trying to get comfy. When we got home, I proceeded to sleep all day Tuesday and then instead of not being able to sleep that night, I went to bed and slept for another 10 hours. Hmm. Didn't realise it took so much out of me.
Remember how Mouse broke her leg a few months ago? Well, today she was quite able to race up the steep hill at a flat out gallop. She might not be 100% sound, but I'd say she was pretty comfy. :) I took this photo of Mouse and Hopi - but didn't notice Roop in the background until I looked at it just now. What is he doing??
I can feel the lump on the tibia on the inside from where the bone is cracked outwards and I think I can feel the tops of some of the screws (although in reality, who knows what I'm feeling...). I've very gingerly put weight on the leg (tightly encased in its new boot) and the bones aren't jiggling around any more, which is a relief. There's a sensation of sinking slowly downwards as I put my weight on it, it might just be all the padding on the boot. No sharp pain though - Dr said to back off if it hurts too much. Best of all, I got to scrape 7 weeks of dead leg off in the shower! Until my tibia x-rays show it to look less broken, I'm not getting on a horse - too much potential for setting me back months if I prang it when it's not properly fixed which is just not worth it to gain a few earlier weeks on a horse. They'll still be there when I'm ready. But it's driving me nuts - esp. being enthralled by the olympic equestrian stuff right now. Swanton 100, Roo and my next ride is coming up Saturday, but alas we won't be there to play. :(
Tight, tight, tight! I'm booked in for my first PT appt on Tuesday - they couldn't do me on Friday (<pout> now I wish I'd tried to go yesterday). The first session will be an hour of evaluation - I guess measuring my leg and angles, etc. Oh, and when I was vacuuming I found a dead mouse wedged behind a box that as been sitting in front of our chest of drawers for weeks. Euwww. I guess the cats mauled it and it crawled in there to die. Made me squeak. :) Ah, life at the zoo... Thursday 14 August - Although my range of motion was quite good first thing this morning (after sleep, when the leg is at its most deflated), I did too much yesterday and had to sleep much of today. So much for being "mended". I did manage to walk without crutches a little tiny bit, very carefully. "Walk" is perhaps too lively a term - slow motion hobble is probably more accurate. That made my leg ache. I'm not sure what's better - to walk further with the aid of crutches, or walk short distances, but really make the leg bear weight. I put together some comparison photos of the x-rays. This first is viewing the leg from the front: And here's from the side (although that second photo is a slightly different angle): Being able to stand for a bit longer on the poorly leg while wearing my boot is great. I crutched down to the barn this evening and brushed out Roop's witchy-knot mane and rebraided it (to stop him pulling it all out, not to turn him into a girly...). He wasn't thrilled and walked away a few times, circling me and bumping into me with his belly at one point, earning himself a jab from my elbow - I can't afford to have him not respecting my space right now. Sunday 17 - Sunday Drive It wasn't ludicrously hot so pft and I drove up to Mosquito via Chili Bar and then across the alarming Mosquito Bridge to Placerville for an early dinner. The road to Mosquito Bridge has 3-4 really tight steep switchbacks to get down to it, then a tight turn to get on it, and then it's only about 8' wide, built in the 1800s and squeaks when you go over it - very alarming. 'Course I didn't get any photos of the bridge itself... Another day, perhaps. Chili Bar's a bit spooky at the moment. A local man was murdered (possibly by his wife and a guy who was staying with them) and put in his car which was set alight and pushed off the side of the steep embankment. There's a big investigation ongoing with signs of police activity on the road above. Right as we got level with that spot, a huge eagle flew in and landed on the top of a ponderosa pine. I got some pics of it, but then annoyingly managed to delete the photo of it in the tree when we got home <grrr>. At least I got these shots of it in flight. I think it's a golden eagle and have a call into a friend to find out for sure:
Well, I've been doing pretty good with my full-weight bearing - I can stay upright for an hour or so at a time before it starts to ache. I'm still hobbling, but getting a little faster and a little more balanced. The CAM boot doesn't allow my ankle to flex at all, so it's hard/impossible to walk up slopes, but as of today I can walk up steps in a normal fashion. Today was my first physical therapy evaluation. My PT man - Jim Kreutz - measured all my angles. He was amazed how much plantarflexion I have in my good foot - I can point my toes beautifully, but then was surprised how little dorsiflexion I have - was my calf tight? Yup - my calf and hamstring are both really tight. Need to sit around stretching, that's for sure. Predictably, the poorly leg is tight in all directions. He gave me a couple of exercises to do - pull back on my foot with a towel wrapped around it for 30 seconds, then point the toes. The other exercise is for proprioception - trace the alphabet with my foot. This is to re-teach my head and foot to communicate (soon I get to drive!), as well as improve range of motion. It's harder than it sounds when you have very little ROM.
The PT man suggested that I divide up my weight-bearing walking about into shorter more frequent sessions - say 4 x 30 mins and to ice and elevate it afterwards. He said there was no benefit to working the bone hard one day and letting it rest up the next - just to keep pushing at it. So when we got home, I iced/elevated my ankle for a while, before spending some time scooping sludge out of the pool which we're trying to get clean enough for me to use for therapy - it could be a while, it's still plenty grungy. After icing and elevating, I went outside and trimmed the undergrowth that had been grabbing at my crutches ('course I wait until I'm nearly not using them any more before doing this...<roll eyes>). Iced and elevated, went out and did some weed pulling and set up the sprinkler. Iced and elevated, went out and straightened stall mats and rearranged pones (swapped Jackit and Mouse with Uno. Hopi and Jackit got into another kick-fest this afternoon - this time through the panel. No doubt someone jammed their leg). Now I'm prone on the sofa, pulling on my towel, pointing my toes and icing with my horse ice boot. Already I see some improvement, which is very encouraging. Friday 22 - Second PT Session
He said to continue with my alphabet exercise and my pulling against a towel. Oh, and something else I thought of. PT man said don't just mindlessly do your alphabet while, say, watching TV - take notice of what you're doing and work on precision. The exercise is supposed to give you better control over your foot, not just stretch stuff. Cursive is easier for me, since the letters end up smaller and rounder, while capitals are harder - doing diagnoal straight lines (like "A" or "V" or "W") are where my ROM falls down. Letters like "O" also show where your limitations are - that movement is the only time I feel the plate in my ankle, when I get to about 5 o'clock to 2 o'clock on the circle it feels funky. When I look back on what I did today, it seems wimpy, but I came home and took a nap and woke up stiff and sore. Teaching a Horse to Lie Down on Command I went out and hosed the horses in their paddock for entertainment earlier today, to see what they'd do. Uno quite liked it and rolled. Roop rolled. Hopi rolled (even though he didn't get wet). So that's what they do. Now I'm wondering - can I teach Uno to lie down on command, so I can get on when there are no mounting block opportunities around? Interesting thought.
Saturday 23 - Post PT This morning my foot is still really achy - particularly my "index toe" (the one that corresponds to my index finger on my hand). The tendon attached to that toe stretching down the middle of my foot is evidently *very* tight :) I almost feel like I have mild flu and my leg is sore walking, so I'm going to take it really easy today. Sunday 24 - Breakthrough It seems a combination of hard use, followed by rest/ice/elevation really does the trick. When I got up from the sofa to go to bed around midnight last night, my leg felt almost normal. Almost. I've been walking around the house with a nekkid leg for a couple of days now - very, very carefully, since I know it doesn't have any support and could easily fail on me. But having a nekkid leg helps my ankle motion be more normal. (When I have to go out and walk in "real life", I'm wearing my boot diligently). Up until now, whenever I stood up to walk, it would really hurt (particularly in my heel) for the first 30 seconds or so, and for the first few steps until everything settled down. I thought this was from fluid being squished out of places it wasn't supposed to be, but now I'm wondering if some of it was tight achilles tendon. The whole leg just feels more loosened up and less taut, which is a very, very good feeling. Eggs After a bumper crop laid in the chook house (all gathered up), followed by another 8 laid in the barn, I ruined it all by spoiling the henlet's laying area by moving the horse blanket she was hiding behind and causing her to move yet again. Since then it has taken a while, but pft has been watching her in the mornings to see where she goes and it looks like she's laying in the undergrowth in front of the house. We will dispatch an egg-finding expedition later today to see for sure. Tuesday 26 - PT #3 The only new thing was an exercise where I lay on my back and pushed against a spring-loaded board with my legs - moving from bent to nearly straight. That pulled pretty good on my achilles tendon since I worked to keep my heel on the board. It also worked my quads good and hard, using many of the muscles I use for distance riding, so I was pleased about that. I'm hoping to get to DVE over Christmas/New Year, although realise that might be a little ambitious at this stage - have only been full weight-bearing (FWB) for two weeks but my PT man thinks there's no reason I shouldn't start riding again around the end of September. Whether I can get me and the pone back in enough condition to do 50 milers in less than three months remains to be seen :) Time will tell. (and in any case - which horse to ride? Roo, who can spook like a ghoul, but does so predictably; or Uno, who tends to be easier on the body, but can do stupid stuff if he gets scared?) The FWB is going pretty good. Despite not having been given the go-ahead by my DR yet to do so (I see him tomorrow), walking around the house with a nekkid leg rather than using my CAM boot has been good. The booth tends to torque my leg weirdly because of the lack of ankle movement, so I'm actually more comfortable without it. That said, I've been walking around in barefeet to really get good feedback and not overdo it. I still wear the boot if I'm going to walk on uneven ground (anywhere outside the house, basically). After I've done all my exercises and my flexing, getting up and walking is a lot easier and less painful. I guess I thought that the "bone is pushing out the bottom of my heel" feeling when taking those first few steps was from the bones settling into place, but can see now that it is from tight everything - and if I've loosened up the pain just isn't there and I almost feel *normal* (relatively speaking). Anyway, I'm very pleased with how it's working out and already see some muscle returning to my runny-pudding calf which is gratifying. Yay!
The x-rays looked good to me (esp. compared to last time), but he peered at them and said "well, it's getting there, but slowly". I told him I'd been walking around without my boot (very carefully). He said on the one hand, that was good because it let my ankle get more flexible, but on the other hand it was bad because flexing my new bone might make it not heal properly and instead of putting in new hard bone, it'll just fill with flexi-bone and then I'll be stuck with a mal-union and have to have a bone graft. WHAT? He said "don't worry, I don't think that will happen, I'm just mentioning it just so's you know". Oh. He said continue as I am (walking around the house with a nekkid leg and wearing the boot when I do more walking/go outside) and that he'll look at it again in six weeks and see what's happening. Hmmm. Although he didn't say there was a problem, he still planted the seed of doubt in my head, so now I get to subconsciously fret for the next six weeks that the bone isn't knitting properly. He did say I can go back to work on Wednesday, though (but to make sure I wear my boot). Thursday 28 - PT #4 Gah, I worked hard today at PT. Did all the usual exercises, but in addition stood on a see-saw type board and worked those calf muscles. 2 x 20 each and my calf muscles in the poorly leg were beginning to judder. But there was worse to come - Jim had me lie on my back on the spring-loaded platform and put the balls of both feet on a bar. I was to stand on tip-toes, then dorsiflex as far as I could - 2 x 10. This is the first exercise I've had to do that hurt so badly I was really struggling with it. Standing on tip toes really hurt my foot and even my good calf was seizing up. I suspect I'll feel like I did an endurance ride by tomorrow. <whimper> Best of all - I drove myself to PT in the silver truck. Woo-hoo! First time driving since June 20. Friday 29 - Sinatra's Visit to UC Davis My friend Crysta's horse, Sinatra, has been suffering from squamous cell carcinoma on his nose for a few years now, but it has recently gotten very aggressive and spreading, chipping away at his nostril. I'd say the poorly area has doubled in size than when we did Patriot 100 together back in May. So she drove over from Nevada to take him to the oncologist specialist at UC Davis. Leslie and I went along as moral support.
Sinatra is pretty comfortable and doesn't actually know he's sick and is eating well, so that's good. They cleaned off the necrotic tissue from his nose while the sedation was wearing off - he was less happy about that so it's clear that his nose is very tender, poor guy. Sinatra in his insect-head costume in the trailer - he rides backwards so he can see out. Sunday 31 - Fergus Gets a Trim, pft Goes Out Solo Yesterday I trimmed Fergus' front feet and this afternoon pft and I did a joint effort and got the backs done. Considering we hadn't touched his feet since before I broke my leg - in fact June 1 was the last time - they weren't in too bad shape. Fergus was a relatively good boy, munching on hay the whole time and he's the easiest one to do, having so much space underneath him to get in there. It's not that comfy on my bad leg - kind of jams it into the ground and makes it ache a bit, but at least I did it. Afterwards, pft went off all alone with the trailer and Fergus to Cool - a first and I have to say I was a little anxious (just because of all the recent accidents - we got word earlier in the week that our vet Maria came off down in the canyon and broke her pelvis and didn't get flow out until 3 am after 9 hours). So I'll sit here quilting and act casual and not worry. As it turned out, pft sent me pics from the trail so I could chart his progress as he went along: