Eastern High Sierra Classic / IMG_2273
At this point,
Nick told us that we'd used up all our "dawdle credits" and had to
some time. Unfortunately, this was at the start of the long descent next to
Eagle Creek,
so we all dutifully got off and began to jog down the hill with the horses.
Pretty soon, I wasn't
having much fun. Zini's not bad to run with, but she tends to try and
overtake in her enthusiasm, so you're constantly having to suggest that she
get behind you
and avoid her standing on you, so you waste a lot of energy explaining trail
etiquette to her.
Plus I was swallowing large amounts of Don and Nick's dust.
Jog-jog-jog we went,
and then I glanced behind me and found Judy back up on Color.
Jogging at 7000' isn't great, she told me. So at the next handy log, I
hopped back on
(good idea) and we jig-jig-jigged along behind Nick who stayed off - a very
nice downhill
pace to make time while staying on the horses....
Nick was telling us how strong
Don is. As far as I can work out, this is mostly due to the fact
that Nick seldom actually rides his horse - he mostly just runs along next
to him. I mean,
my horse would be strong if I never got on her....