Bicycling with Chili

Img_1740.jpg (79619 bytes) Patrick pooped out.

This was the day I "unfortunately" couldn't complete the Clementine loop (all 1200' up of it) because my chain broke, so I asked Patrick to ride a measly 3-4 with me at Cool with Chili on our way home. This is the first time we let Chili off the lead for a proper trail ride and she was very good and stayed close the whole time. And she had a blast.

Img_1743.jpg (87709 bytes) This is just over the hill from the Cool Firestation trailhead.
Img_1748.jpg (72407 bytes) Going up the last hill.

Trail landmark #26 - just over this hill is the first place I ever fell off Mouse. <g>
10 February 2002