
Img_1214.jpg (103834 bytes)Turkeys on the new grass on the terrace - I counted at least 36, but think there were more. Img_1215.jpg (102459 bytes)The board lying on the ground was one of the pieces I was going to use to contain the gravel for a wash rack just there (so the water would drain down in the gully).
Img_1209.jpg (105197 bytes)This was a younger turkey that wandered off from the others to check out the chickens.

You can just about see the chickens in the shadows under the bush on the right.

Img_1207.jpg (106831 bytes)Sardine meets his match.

Here he is attempting to strut, but looking a bit worried about the whole thing (bearing in mind the turkey was five times Sardine's weight)

Img_1219.jpg (93283 bytes)Turkeys checking me out. Img_1228.jpg (121113 bytes)And then they went wandering off up the driveway...
Img_1235.jpg (42169 bytes)...only to be spooked and take off, a flock of them, over the horses (freaked the horses out - horses and mud went everywhere).