Lucy’s Woodwork Efforts (2003)

This was my Spring Term effort, a bookcase for my office at home:
IMG_5721a.jpg (44802 bytes)Before IMG_5749a.jpg (56959 bytes)After
IMG_5726a.jpg (54435 bytes)Surrounded by Santa’s Little Helpers...
IMG_5739a.jpg (36080 bytes)...everywhere IMG_5738a.jpg (35831 bytes)
And this was the previous term’s effort, my box (now used for Chili’s 40 lb bags of dog food):
IMG_5963a.jpg (55135 bytes) IMG_5965a.jpg (47292 bytes)
IMG_5966a.jpg (21382 bytes)Details of stenciling IMG_5967a.jpg (22834 bytes)
27 May 2003